Wrestling has always had a huge following in Ireland and it was a huge part of my childhood. There were many wrestlers which I admired but I had a particular admiration for the entire Hart family.
Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart is my all time favorite, so much so that I adopted his name for my confirmation when I was 11. My full name- Eugene Charlie Bret Horan.
In 1993, my parents took me to see the WWF when they performed in Dublin. I’ll forever be grateful to them and I’ll never forget my excitement of seeing such ring greats in the flesh! With our seats near ringside, I was on a mission to get within touching distance of my hero. And I did just that! I got to pat Bret on the shoulder and he smiled back at me as he took off his trademark sunglasses. I will never know for sure but I was almost certain Bret was thinking of giving his glasses to me until he spotted a younger boy in a wheelchair and gifted them to him. I smiled at Bret as if to say, “Yes, he should get them”. I watched in awe at just how technically gifted Bret was in the flesh. I was also amazed at just how big he was! In an industry that sees more than its fair share of giants, Bret never stood out as one of the bigger wrestlers, instead he was more of an athletic one, but he cut an imposing figure when he stood in front you! He disposed of his opponent in spectacular fashion, of course. Having studied Bret’s career closely and for many years, one thing that always amazed me was that he had an incredible ability to invent and perform a move we had never seen before. He always kept his performances fresh and the audience truly captivated. His sheer creativity and agility to pull off the seemingly impossible was awe-inspiring!
After the match, I was waving my Irish flag in support of the Hitman. Next thing, without any thought, I threw my flag towards Bret. He caught it and placed it over his right shoulder before climbing the turnbuckle and raising his arm in salute to his adoring fans! I gazed up at him as he towered over me and I took a photo to capture the moment. My flag draped over the shoulder of my hero! Wow!
Fast forward 22 years later. A friend of mine was collaborating with Bret on a project and when we were texting one day, I told him about my little story of the flag. My mate then replied, “Bret says he remembers that and still has your flag!” I almost fell off my chair! “You’re with Bret right now?!”, I asked. Next thing he takes a photo of Bret holding a picture of when he wrestled in Ireland all those years ago… and what’s resting over his shoulder? My Irish flag!
As if that wasn’t cool enough, I then received the Hitman’s DVD ‘Wrestling with Shadows’ in the post, personally hand signed by Bret with the incredible message, “Hey Euge, I still have your Irish flag from 93’ - Hope to meet you again soon! Bret Hitman Hart”.
They say you should never meet your heroes, that you’ll only end up disappointed. Whoever came up with that statement clearly never met Bret Hart. Here’s a guy who truly appreciates his fans and given his incredible life and career, it is mind blowing for me to think he still has the flag I gave him what is now 27 years ago!
Incredibly, the story doesn’t end there… It’s no secret that Bret Hart’s creative genius goes far beyond the squared circle. He has always been an incredibly talented artist so needless to say, it fills me with pride to know my artwork now takes pride of place in Bret’s home. Creating a portrait has always been a very personal experience for me. It has to be in order to make it come to life on canvas - but painting Bret was extra special. It was as though a childhood of glorious memories simply poured out onto the canvas. Sometimes, like any artist, I do hit a mental block but this particular painting came absolutely effortlessly to me. I always say if a customer loves their painting half as much I love creating it for them, then I’ll be a happy man. Well, I’m delighted to say The Hitman absolutely loved his painting… And for me, it really doesn’t get any better than that.
The Excellence of Execution. The best there is, the best there was… and the best there ever will be!
Excellently executed. Bret loved the portrait painting I created for him.
My parents treated me to ringside seats to see my hero in Ireland (1993). I’ll never forget it!
Bret salutes the crowd with my flag draped over his shoulder.
A surprise message 22 years later telling me Bret still recalls the day we met.
A signed DVD with a personal message any fan would dream about.
Happiness. Bret and his beautiful wife Stephanie.
Bret learned from the very best. His father, the legendary and truly iconic Stu Hart. I had the great honor of speaking on the telephone to Mr. Hart when I was just 10 years old. Few words were spoken but to this day they give me goosebumps!
Family first. Bret with his brothers in-law Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart, along with his younger brother Owen. Such an array of talent, 3 of which had their lives cut heartbreakingly short.
My treasured old school WWF Championship belt. Complete with the most incredible personal message from Bret.